Anakin Skywalker's transformation into the towering shadow armored Sith, Darth Vader, remains as one of Star Wars' most important character arcs. After the powerful Force Warrior descended into the dark side of the Force thanks to Emperor Palpatine, it was ultimately thanks to his son, Luke Skywalker, that Vader achieved a brief yet valuable redemption. But what if Vader's redemption hadn't been so short-lived? What if Darth Vader became a Jedi once again?

It's a story beat that may have not been officially explored in the films but has made its way into spin-off projects. Concept art exists of a Redeemed Vader for the canceled Star Wars Battlefront 4 game. And Dark Horse Comics explored this idea in their 2004 Star Wars Infinities series with a Vader clad in all-white armor. But most importantly, creative Star Wars fans have taken the idea and brought it to life with their own redesigns.

10 Jedi Master Vader

Breakdown of Vader Design

Artist Andrew Morgan does a worthy touch-up on the original character's iconic design. What's presented is a design that's deceptively simple on the surface, yet anything but once fans dive into this version of Vader. Luckily, the text breakdowns help inform some of these logical and creative changes to Vader.

Vader's black armor is donned with silvery upgrades to help with his pain, while the brown cloak anchors the former Sith back to his Jedi roots. The standout piece is the rebuilt lightsaber, a reminder of Anakin's betrayal of Mace Windu. It's a fitting piece to the overall concept of a Vader striving to do better while not ignoring his dark past.

9 Join Me On The Light Side

Light Side Vader With Blue Eyes

Darth Vader is intimidation incarnate. Vader's Force Powers, proficiency with lightsabers, and skills in constructing devices are a sight to behold. They place him in a different league compared to other Jedi and Sith. However, it's the shadowy look that sells this intimidation. He is a walking uncompromising wall of darkness.

That's why electricdaisy's design of a light side Vader successfully chips away bits of that dark side exterior. The silver and blue match with his lightsaber and give hints of a Jedi returning. The blue eyes behind the mask suggest a shed of humanity normally absent on Vader's helmet. Vader is still fearsome, but there's more of a sense that at least he's on the heroes' side.

8 Iron Vader

Vader In Iron Man Armor

Disney should consider more official mash-ups of their properties. Fighting game fans are still holding their hearts out for a new entry in the Marvel Vs. Capcom series, whileKingdom Hearts exploded into a Square-Enix phenomenon that rivalsFinal Fantasy in popularity. So maybe a Marvel/Star Wars mash-up is needed.

This Iron Vader redesign by PuddinArts combines light side Darth Vader with the technology of Tony Stark. The use of silver and blue makes Vader look more like an armored knight of good than evil. No Sith would want to get in the way of this Jedi. How would other Star Wars heroes look like after an MCU transformation?

7 Jedi Darth Vader Redesign

Jedi Darth Vader Over Storm Troopers

Monsieur Charles' redesign of Darth Vader looks like a scene from a lost Star Wars film or series. The image of a Reformed Vader over the defeated corpses of Storm Troopers is striking, but that's only because fans are so used to seeing Vader victorious over Rebel Forces.

Vader stands confidently, clade in a suit of light and dark browns that pays homage to both his old armor and even older Jedi robes. The real standout ingredient in this redesign is Vader without his helmet. He still uses the breathing apparatus but there's something fearless about helmetless Vader staring with his lightsaber readied.

6 Jedi Vader Unleashed

Vader without helmet with scarf

Star Wars fans who enjoyed the Force Unleashed games will definitely get a kick out of JayKLengedary's artistic design on a Jedi Vader. The artist noted that Starkiller is an inspiration for this redesign. Vader looks like he's ready to infiltrate anywhere but also not afraid to battle if needed.

The lightly dusted outfit is accentuated with heavily wrapped arms, a tattered scarf, and big boots. These elements combine with a helmetless head to exclude one word: Powerful. It's hard now not to wish for another entry in the Force Unleashed series with this version of Vader.

5 Redeemed Wanderer

Vader Wandering in desert.

If Darth Vader did become redeemed while surviving the end of Return of The Jedi, how could he co-exist with forces he'd initially fought hard to crush? Would the Rebel Alliance not want their own revenge against Vader to avenge their fallen comrades?

Artist darthdestruktor expertly explores this concept with a Vader design that is a "Redeemed Wanderer." This light side Vader has a new life-support system and helmet, but the overall look is sleeker and more mobile. The design is also adorned with a tattered cloak for a Vader that hides and wanders the deserts while trying to atone for his Sith past.

4 Redemption By SmacksArt

Vader is clad in tactical suit

The all-white Light-Side Vader seen in the pages of Star Wars Infinities is as astonishing as his usual dark armor. But for any fans that may have waved off that design as a simple repaint, SmacksArt's take on an all-white Vader has more to offer.

While the use of whites, greys, and blues convey that Vader is again a Jedi, there's an overall tactical vibe attached to this art. Vader looks more like a powerful Space Ninja, for good of course. He also seems as if it'll be easier for him to move and efficiently battle.

3 Quick Sketch By edithis102

Artist editthis102 produced a quick sketch of light side Vader that still leaves an impression for fans. The artwork is in black and white, but that's where it truly shines. Editthis102 makes strong use of light and shadows that gives articles of Vader's outfit, like his gloves, more weight.

The overall style brings up memories of Batman: The Animated Series, presenting a Vader that appears powerful as usual, but also heroic. If there is ever an animated series starring a Redeemed Darth Vader, this style is the way to go.

2 Anakin Skywalker (Redeemed)

Anakin defending with lightsaber

While most Star Wars fan art of Anakin returning to the light side depicts the Jedi in a lot of browns and blues to suggest his initial roots in the Force, editsulli provides a refreshing take on the former Sith.

Anakin is grasping his blue lightsaber instead of the evil red one associated with Vader, but the rest of the outfit has him adorned in black and red. Add in the lack of a helmet, and it's as if fans are witnessing a version of Anakin in the middle of his healing transition from Sith to reformed Jedi.

1 Leia & Vader

Leia and Vader standing together

Leia Organa was one of the strongest and most courageous characters in the Star Wars series. Although she proved to be Force Sensitive like her brother Luke, fans never got the chance to see Leia officially wield a lightsaber in the films. Nor did fans get the chance to see Leia team up with her redeemed father.

Jedi-Art-Trick manages to grant both of these wishes with this artwork that has father and daughter together for the forces of good. It almost suggests that Vader spent a lot of time teaching Leia everything he knew about the Force.

NEXT: Star Wars: Darth Vader's 10 Most Ruthless Murders