How Do You Get Back to Zandalar From Orgrimmar

WoW: How do I get to ...? Great guide for all places

Are you lost in the World of Warcraft and don't know how to get to a certain place? This guide explains how to get there for each important place.

The World of Warcraft is big. Very large. No wonder, because with 8 expansions Azeroth has grown again and again, has got new continents, planets and even entire dimensional levels. But to switch back and forth between the individual locations is sometimes not that easy. Especially newcomers or returnees could feel overwhelmed by all the portals and requirements.

Again and again you can read the question of how to get to location X or area Y in the various chat channels. Because not everything is intuitively accessible.

To give you a little help, we have a great guide that explains briefly how to reach each larger area.

We explain the basic activation for each area and offer even simpler alternatives. Note, however, that the alternatives are primarily intended for characters who have already unlocked the area.

How do I get to Argus?

Argus was the final area of ​​the "Legion" expansion, it is a separate planet. There are numerous rare enemies here with toys, mounts and also some interesting quests. But Argus is at the very end of the Legion game cycle, which is why some requirements are required in order to unlock Argus for the first time.

  • Character must be at least level 45
  • Achievement: Unification of the islands (friendly to all 5 factions of the Broken Isles) and subsequent activation of the world quests at Khadgar in Dalaran
  • Completion of the quest series "The Legionfall", starts in Dalaran near Khadgar at the landing site
  • Completion of the "Attack on the Broken Shore" scenario that follows

There's a lot to do on Argus - if you can get there!

If all of this is fulfilled, you go to Dalaran in the Violet Citadel to Khadgar and accept the quest "The Hand of Fate". Follow this quest, because at the end it will lead you directly to Argus. There you should continue playing a bit to unlock teleporters.

If you have unlocked Argus in this way, you can return there at any time via a teleporter in Dalaran (Broken Isles). You will then find the golden teleporter at Krasus' landing site.

How do I get to Draenor?

Draenor is a world of its own and the location of the expansion "Warlords of Draenor". Basically there are several ways to get to Draenor.

The first time it is worth completing the quest line. If your character is below level 50, speak to Chromie in Stormwind City or Orgrimmar to start the Draenor Timewalking. Then there is the quest automatically and it leads you to Draenor.

If your character is already over level 50, you can accept the quest "Warlords of Draenor: The Dark Portal" on notice boards in the cities of the Horde and Alliance. You can also manually travel to the Blasted Lands and accept the quest directly from Khadgar.

In Draenor there's the garrison - and much more.

In any case, you then play the intro scenario and get to your garrison in Draenor, which at the end also grants a garrison hearthstone with which you can always return quickly.

If you don't want to play the intro scenario, you can also use a special trick. Draenor and Pandaria are connected by a magic circle of chairs. When in Pandaria, visit the Timeless Isle to the east. Go to coordinates 70/77 and dive. You will find an underwater cave with a circle of chairs. Sit down on one of the chairs and click on the fire in the middle to be teleported directly to Draenor (Gorgrond).

This cave teleports you straight to Draenor.

Alternatives: There are several options to get to Draenor later.

  • The Garrison Hearthstone will always bring you to your Garrison in Draenor once you have received it.
  • Mage players can open a portal to Draenor.
  • In the portal chamber of your capital (Orgrimmar or Stormwind) there is a portal to Draenor (storm shield or war spear).

How do I get to Outland?

Outland is the location of the expansion "The Burning Crusade", the first add-on from WoW.

If you are below level 50, you can start the timewalking for "The Burning Crusade" at Chromie in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. In that case, the quest will take you straight to Outland.

But you can also speak to a mage in front of the portal room (Orgrimmar) or in the mage tower (Stormwind) and say that you should report to Outland. Then he teleports you directly to the Hellfire Peninsula.

Shattrath - The heart of Outland.

Alternatives: There are two alternative ways to get to Outland afterwards.

  • Mage players can open a portal into Outland.
  • In the portal chamber of your capital city (Orgrimmar or Stormwind) there is a portal to Outland (Shattrath).

How do I get to Mechagon?

Mechagon is an island from patch 8.2 and offers many gadgets, mounts and the Mechagnome as a new race. You can find them on the continent of Kul Tiras if you travel west across the sea from Stormsong Valley.

To get to Mechagon for the first time, you must first complete the introductory quest line around Nazjatar. Then you can go to Boralus (Alliance) or Dazar'alor (Horde) to accept the follow-up quest. Goblins or gnomes talk about it and you should recognize the quest quickly. She wants you to travel to Tiragarde Sound and explore a mysterious chamber.

From there the path is linear. Complete the quest chain and at the end you will land safely on the island of Mechagon.

At Pascal you can later build teleporters to quickly return to Mechagon.

Alternatives: There are a number of other ways to get to Mechagon.

  • You can easily fly to Mechagon from Kul Tiras. This can be done either by gripping, if you have unlocked the flight point, or you fly manually with a flight mount.
  • Builds the "Extremely Safe Transporter: Mechagon" in Mechagon. You unlock the recipe while playing there. The transporter is consumed as it is used, but it can be worth keeping a few on hand.

How do I get to Zandalar?

Zandalar is the continent dominated by the Horde in the "Battle for Azeroth" expansion. This is where much of the action for Horde players takes place.

How to get to Zandalar as an alliance player: Alliance players inevitably have to drive the war campaign forward.

Little by little you will unlock 3 bases on Zandalar, which you can control from your command ship in Boralus. This is the only way to get to Zandalar as an Alliance player. Without the bases and their activation, there is no other way.

Dazar'Alor, the heart of Zandalar.

How to get to Zandalar as a Horde player: Horde players begin their journey in Orgrimmar and have to talk to the (then) war chief Sylvanas Windrunner. Then it goes on to Nathanos and Thalyssra, who have a special assignment. At the end of the scenario there is the quest "Zuldazar" and you arrive at Zandalar.

Afterwards, Horde players can have a mage make a portal directly to Dazar'alor or step through the portal to Dazar'alor in the portal room of Orgrimmar.

How do I get to Nazjatar?

Nazjatar is an important area of ​​the "Battle for Azeroth" expansion and was introduced with patch 8.2. This is where the action around Queen Azshara takes place. There are also plenty of achievements to get hold of mounts, toys, and pets in Nazjatar.

Nazjatar has a number of requirements that players must meet in order to enter it for the first time. You must:

  • Reached level 50
  • Completed the quest "The Union of Kul Tiras" (Alliance) or "The Union of Zandalar" (Horde) and unlocked world quests on your faction's ship
  • Unlocked all 3 bases in enemy territory (start of the war campaign)

Nazjatar - one of the expansion areas of BfA.

Then you will automatically receive the quest "Offensive of the Wolf" or "Orders of the Warchief" in Boralus (Alliance) or Dazar'alor (Horde).

Complete the respective quest series and after a few missions you will have arrived in Nazjatar. Here you should play the story until you unlock a permanent portal. As soon as this is achieved, you can return to Nazjatar via the portal chamber in Boralus (Alliance) and Dazar'alor (Horde).

How do I get to Northrend?

Northrend is the location of the expansion "Wrath of the Lich King" and is located in the north of the world map. There are several ways to get to Northrend.

How to get to Northrend as an alliance player: Alliance players can get to Northrend via several ships that dock and drop off at the respective port every few minutes.

  • The ship in Stormwind Harbor sails into the Borean tundra.
  • The ship in Menethil Harbor (Wetlands) sails into Howling Fjord.

Dalaran is the center for Northrend travel.

How to get to Northrend as a Horde player: Horde players also have two options, depending on where they want to end up in Northrend.

  • An Orgrimmar zeppelin flies into the Borean tundra approximately every 3-5 minutes.
  • A flying ship near Lower Town (Tirisfal, Brill) flies into the Howling Fjord. Note that you have to be in the "old" version of Tirisfal for this. After level 50, the area is devastated. A dragon is marked on the map (Zidormi). Talk to her to have the old Tirisfal reported.

Alternatives: Northrend can be reached via several options.

  • Mage players can open a portal to Northrend (Dalaran).
  • In the portal chamber of your capital (Orgrimmar or Stormwind) there is a portal to Northrend (Dalaran).

How do I get to Kul Tiras?

Kul Tiras is the continent dominated by the Alliance in the "Battle for Azeroth" expansion. This is where much of the action for Allianz players takes place.

How to get to Kul Tiras as an Alliance player: To get to Kul Tiras for the first time, you have to play the intro experience of Battle for Azeroth. It should start all by itself in Stormwind once you reach level 10. The first quest is called "Hour of Reckoning" and wants you to speak to Mathias Shaw at Stormwind Harbor.

After that the quest and the course is very linear. Just follow the missions with the battle for the lower city and the escape from the prison until you unlocked in Kul Tiras at the end.

After that, a ship from Stormwind goes permanently to Kul Tiras and the portal room in Stormwind also has a portal to Boralus.

Kul Tiras - Alliance players have a portal.

How to get to Kul Tiras as a Horde player: Horde players will inevitably have to push the war campaign forward.

Little by little you will unlock 3 bases on Kul Tiras, which you can control from your command ship in Boralus. Talk to your captain after the activation. This is the only way to get to Kul Tiras as a Horde player. Without the bases and their activation, there is no other way.

How do I get to Oribos?

Oribos is the capital of the "Shadowlands" expansion. The way to Oribos is basically linear and the first activation happens - more or less - automatically. You need the current expansion "Shadowlands" for this.

All you have to do is complete the Shadowlands intro experience. This begins with the quest "An Icy Summons" from level 48 in Orgrimmar (Horde) or Stormwind (Alliance) and then runs linearly. You travel first through a portal to Icecrown and then into the gullet. Just complete all quests on offer and follow the story. In any case, you end up in Oribos, from where you can continue planning your journey to the Shadowlands.

Oribos is the hub in the Shadowlands.

Alternatives: There are also other routes to the Shadowlands.

  • In the portal chamber of your capital (Orgrimmar or Stormwind) there is a portal to Oribos.
  • Mage players can open a portal to Oribos at level 60.

Permanent portals and abbreviations

Since World of Warcraft is extremely large, the developers have also built in a number of fixed portals that you can reach via your respective capital. In Orgrimmar (Horde) and Stormwind (Alliance) there are numerous portals that make traveling more convenient. You unlock these portals over time, for example when climbing certain steps or when the story has progressed far enough.

Basically, it makes sense to tie the Hearthstone to Stormwind or Orgrimmar. From here, thanks to the many portals, there is the shortest route to (almost) all areas.

Portals in Stormwind

The two portal locations in Stormwind.

The portal chamber is easy to find in Stormwind. Go to the magician quarter and then to the magician tower. Climb this all the way to the top and step through the large portal. Then you are in the portal chamber. There are abbreviations in the following areas:

  • Jade Forest (Pandaria)
  • Shattrath (Outland)
  • Caves of Time (Kalimdor, Tanaris)
  • Exodar (Kalimdor)
  • Dalaran (Northrend)
  • Azsuna (Broken Isles)
  • Oribos (Shadowlands)
  • Boralus (Kul Tiras)
  • Storm Shield (Draenor)

In addition, there is a gentleman on the 1st level of the magician's tower who can take you to the Hellfire Peninsula (Outland) if you wish.

The portal chamber has many abbreviations.

In addition, there are a number of portals in the north of the city. These portals are mainly connected to the Cataclysm expansion, but can drastically reduce travel times. These portals are unlocked via quest lines and are accessible as soon as you have advanced the story far enough in the respective area of ​​Cataclysm.

The Cataclysm portals offer many quick routes to distant places.

The portals are:

  • Twilight Highlands (Eastern Kingdoms)
  • Vashj'ir (Eastern Kingdoms)
  • Deepholm (Maelstrom)
  • Uldum (Kalimdor)
  • Hyjal (Kalimdor)
  • Portals in Orgrimmar

Portals in Orgrimmar

The two portal locations in Orgrimmar.

The portal chamber at the Horde in Orgrimmar is a little better hidden, but basically offers the same options as the portals at the Alliance. Go to the Orgrimmar entrance tunnel that leads into the city. Next to a large door there is a magician guard who guards the tunnel to the portal chamber. You will find easy access to the following locations as soon as the quest progress and level are correct. There are these portals in the main chamber:

  • Dalaran (Northrend)
  • Jade Forest (Pandaria)
  • Zuldazar (Zandalar)
  • Azsuna (Broken Isles)
  • Oribos (Shadowlands)
  • Silver Moon (Eastern Kingdoms)

The portal chamber has everything important in Orgrimmar.

If you walk down the stairs on the left at the entrance, you will come to a smaller room with further portals. There it goes to these places:

  • War Spear (Draenor)
  • Caves of Time (Kalimdor, Tanaris)
  • Shattrath (Outland)

In the north of the city you will also find some portals into the areas of the Cataclysm expansion. For this you must have played the story missions of the respective expansion far enough so that they can be unlocked.

These portals lead into the Cataclysm areas.

The portals lead to:

  • Twilight Highlands (Eastern Kingdoms)
  • Vashj'ir (Eastern Kingdoms)
  • Deepholm (Maelstrom)
  • Uldum (Kalimdor)
  • Hyjal (Kalimdor)

Are you still missing a place in the list that is not mentioned here? Then let us know in the comments and we will update the guide.

How Do You Get Back to Zandalar From Orgrimmar


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